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Testers must be at least 17 years of age, officially withdrawn from high school (only for students. 17 and younger) and a resident of Illinois for at.
In order to earn an Illinois High School Equivalency Certificate, you must take and pass the Constitution test as required by Illinois Compiled Statutes – School Code (105 ILCS 5/27-3) in addition to passing one of the state-approved high school equivalency tests. There is no fee to take the Constitution Test and it may be taken at any time. If you have already passed the high school level Constitution Test, you do not need to take it again. You can simply provide proof of passing to your when requesting your High School Equivalency Certificate. CONSTITUTION TEST PREPARATION The Constitution Study Guide of the United States and State of Illinois can be downloaded here: • • Or you can order a printed copy directly from Curriculum Publications Clearinghouse by calling 1-800-322-3905. Unicode sinhala fonts free download. Please contact your local * for more information about scheduling the Constitution Test. *Cook County residents should contact the Cook County HSE Records Office at 312-814-4488 or by email at.