Ratings: 7.4/10 Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Romance Directed By: Aanand L. Rai Released On: 21 December 2018 Movie Star Cast: Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif Synopsis: The story revolves around Bauua Singh (Shah Rukh Khan), a vertically challenged man, who is full of charm and wit, with a pinch of arrogance. Born to a wealthy family and raised in an environment of affluence and indulgence, Bauua was never failed by Meerut or its people. But when he meets two women (Katrina Kaif, Anushka Sharma), his experiences with these women take him on a journey to complete his ‘incompleteness’ and broaden his horizons to find a purpose he never knew he had. Casio 991es plus manual. Ratings: 6.9/10 Genre(s): Drama Released On: 5 October 2018 Directed By: Gulshan Singh Movie Star Cast: Tarsem Jassar, Nimrat Khaira, Gurpreet Ghuggi Synopsis: AFSAR (Officer) is the story of Government employee Jaspal, who after falling in love with a school teacher Harman decide to get married, but Harman’s father is not happy with the relationship. Indian sociology books free download pdf. Being impressed with Patwaris (Official Designation) he wants his daughter to get married to a Patwari, hence Harman requests Jaspal to become a Patwari by any means necessary.