Movie: HADSA BOMBAY MARCH 12 The movie follows the life of Mammootty, a municipality sweeper who is always under suspicion due to his brother-in-law (Unni Mukundan), who is branded as a terrorist and killed in an encounter by the Army in the Andhra Border. Mammootty and his wife Roma are summoned before law many times and are repeatedly questioned so as to frame them as supporters to terrorist acts. And on the very next day of the Coimbatore blasts, Mammootty is taken by the investigating officers, following his phone call to the blast site. The narrative moves on back and forth, peeling off layer by layer into the core text. Whether Mammootty comes out of this tangle or not is the rest of the movie. South movie new south movie south indian movie sauth new movie south hindi movie hindi dubbed movies sauth movie hd south hindi dubbed south indian full movie Please Subscribe Our Channel Movie Planet: Planet.
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